Seaweed Cleansing Foam 30g

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Seaweed Cleansing Foam.jpg

Seaweed Cleansing Foam 30g

THB 390.00


Balance skin's PH.  Ease uncomfortable feeling on face.  Skin may feel moisture and calm.

Application: Put a few on the wet face, rub into foams and massage the face and neck.  Wash with clean water.

不管在家或在戶外,皮膚到下午因分泌油脂難免粘黏一些灰塵而使我們的肌膚易過敏.  天然海藻可殺菌且豐富的礦物質使脆弱皮膚多一層保護.  洗完臉後皮膚不易乾澀.

 使用方式: 取適量在手心上渾些水.在手上搓起泡沫後輕輕的在臉上按摩幾秒鐘用溫水清洗.  使用化妝水及乳液做後續保養效果更佳.

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